Thursday, November 27, 2008

Grounded at home

What's a sick and whiney toddler to do when he's grounded at home for 2 days? One, tinkle on the ivories ...

... and pose cheekily for the camera.

Two, watch lots of videos and laugh over my own silly antics (ate the entire blue container of Breakfast O's for lunch today, yeah)!

Three, sneak out to NTUC to restock on my stash of jelly ...

... and my stash of diapers.

Four, play with my toys ...

... and ensure that they don't get dehydrated and sick like me.

Kaizer blogged at 5:33 PM | 0 comments

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Name: Wong Kaizer
Date of Birth: 7 April 2007
Age: 2 years old and counting!
Country: Singapore
Mama's email:

Kaizer's Pals
Baby's Pals
Mama's Pals