Monday, August 31, 2009


Kaizer's having a bout of HFMD at the moment. He was feverish on Saturday while at por por's house, and had visited her usual GP. He was apparently so chatty at the clinic (answering all the questions that were directed at por por) that the GP commented he was a talkertive boy, and sent him home with a fever diagnosis and nothing more.

The fever was all gone on Sunday. However, since there were a couple of HFMD cases in school last week, we thought we'll better keep him away from school on Monday, just in case. In hindsight, it was a good decision as this was when the spots started to sprout.

At first, they looked merely like a serious case of eczema. But then they started popping out on typically non-eczema areas like the bum, knee caps and inner thighs. As you can see, his hands are really ugly looking now. Luckily for him, there probably wasn't any throat/mouth ulcers as he's able to take in liquids and solids without much problems.

Kaizer blogged at 9:50 PM | 2 comments

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Name: Wong Kaizer
Date of Birth: 7 April 2007
Age: 2 years old and counting!
Country: Singapore
Mama's email:

Kaizer's Pals
Baby's Pals
Mama's Pals